Businesses Recommended by Families from Thomas's Schools
Physio Led Exercise Groups
LEGS (Local Exercise Groups for Stroke and neurological conditions) provides supported exercise groups led by physiotherapists for people who have had a stroke or live with a neurological condition.
One in six people in the UK has at least one neurological condition, with an estimated 11 million people living with a neurological disorder. These vary enormously; some are rapidly fatal, and others conditions cause a gradual decline in function.
We are an award-winning, registered charity, committed to providing accessible and affordable long term exercise groups for everyone, regardless of income, address or age. We run face to face classes in Notting Hill, Islington, Hanwell, Croydon, Barnet, Wandsworth and dozens of online classes.
Courses of varying intensities, including seated classes for people with mobility issues, Tai Chi, seated Tai Chi, Neuro Pilates, arm-only groups and higher intensity circuit based exercises. As well as the exercise groups, LEGS provides a community of support. We run a free weekly Neuro Café where participants, their families and carers join talks and education sessions on a variety of topics. Our specialist Physiotherapists provide signposting and advice on other services available to people with neurological conditions.
There is a small membership fee to join, and free places are available for people in financial hardship.
Directory Offer: Affordable physiotherapy for people with neuro conditions. Or make a donation and help others.
For more information visit: https://www.legs.org.uk/
Contact: M: 07471 210 539 Classes run online, or face to face in Notting Hill, Wandsworth, Islington, Barnet, Croydon, Hanwell.
"This charity has one of the best rehab exercise programmes running online for people with neurological impairments."
Dr Caroline Appel, Clinical Lead Physiotherapist, St Pancras Hospital
LEGS has been the single most important part of my recovery and reintegration into life since coming home."
LEGS participant